The necessary disintegration of our former selves forces us to clutch, in the depths of our extremity, at whatever it is that we believe to be the source of Life
~Sharon Blackie
Before you enter I want to give a little thanks…
Gratitude for the many hands, the many lands, the many prayers and the many lives that have shared the wisdoms, the healing and the mysteries of a good life with me and how to walk with inherent indigeneity and sacred reciprocity. There have been so many allies. Specifically I bow to the healing traditions of the Mayan people as shared generously through Don Elijio Panti, Midwife Hortence and my beloved teacher Dr. Rosita Arvigo, for initiating me into the wisdom of The Womb. Bless the people and medicines of the Amazon and high mountain peaks of Peru- for the transmissions of sacred language. Deep love for the Mazatec people and Maria Sabina for the wisdom of Los Pequenos Santos and for opening my hands and heart over and over again in Oaxaca to the reverence needed to steward this medicine. To the songs still singing in the bones below the rubble of my European Pagan ancestors, I hear you when I walk the green hills and stand at the edge of the Mediterranean Sea – our medicine is not lost. And finally, to the Native Salish peoples and the Cedar, Eagle, Salmon and Orca for always welcoming me home.
To the many unseen forces that live behind the four winds that have supported my journey, I am your daughter. You have been by far my greatest teachers. To the Ancestors of The First Flame for the reclamation of many lifetimes. Above all, Mother God and your many faces I am at your service. This light of mine dances for you.
Blessed Be.
If we distilled all of the holistic healing modalities, ceremonies and sacred medicines down to one intention it would be a return to Love, Mother God, to what I call Womb Consciousness and the healing of the feminine body. The majority of our traumas and modern maladies are a Love problem, a creation story problem and a belonging problem. The afflictions of addiction, abuse, mental illness and Earth devastation are a result of a false narrative that you are separate from your Source and that you must struggle to be nourished. All of the offerings here support the reunion with your Source and the healing of the feminine body which in turn heals all bodies.
The other profound outcome of this journey is the awakening of the inner healer. Guiding you to become your own healer is a path back to true power. Each and every living thing has the medicine within itself to regenerate and evolve. This can only be remembered when the innate blueprint of belonging within each human soul is restored, even slightly. Just one little kiss from Mother, on one little cell sweatin’ it out in a sacred ceremony, can flourish you into a new way of being.
Being human, feeling the expanse of every human sensation, is an extraordinary synesthetic experience. How can you turn your many sensations into life force rather than depression, anxiety, fear, pain and trauma? What lives below the feelings? Your emotions are a medicine. Trusting your intuition again is a power play.
I know you have everything you need. All you have to do is find those who can reflect your medicine and restore the memory that you are supported in full abundance for birthing forth the gift of your soul- no more and no less- and a big huge “you could not have dreamt what is waiting for you all alone”. I don’t believe we came to get by with coping skills.
There are no promises here of manifestation of anything that makes you more of a thing. In fact, you may be stripped of things in order to regain what is yours to walk with. Letting go of what this journey looks like for you will be asked. Your comparisons must be left at the threshold .
My oath is to mirror your ability to find your way home whistling your own song. Here you will find support to help you travel the pathways of your psyche so that you can turn your wounds into wisdom. This is a relationship that requires you to show up to the work. You cannot heal if it is not your own hand in hand with the only force that can shepherd you across the threshold.
There has never been and will never be another unique you. Only you can walk this path, only you know exactly what is best for you and where to plant your next footprint. Your emotions are medicine, your intuition is a power tool. Gather inspiration from the transmissions I carry to walk your own way- do not be me, do not become them, be you- you are the medicine you seek.
Every session is held by prayer. Reclaiming our sacred languages is part of holistic healing. When you work with me whether individually or in a group, you are on my altar and I will hold you accountable to stand upright in your heart.
You can also receive wisdom, stories and inspirations when you subscribe to my writing channel. As a paid subscriber you receive my Ebook “Holistic Integration” and support the continued building of a dream. SUBSCRIBE HERE and thank you so much.
WOMB CONSCIOUSNESS (Circles, Immersions, Mentoring)
To book a session simply email me at [email protected]