I have been crafting wild medicines for decades. My first love was Nettle. Then the whole landscape of botanical allies showed their faces to me. It has been a process of deepening respect and being in wonder around rightful relationship with the natural world.
Herbal medicines made of Earth and cultivated with prayer change the very interior of a person. They are good for humans. They are good for the Earth.
One of the most rewarding parts of being with the plants is during the harvest. Unless I am way out in the bush, someone- usually a woman, walks by, hesitates, keeps walking and then comes back. “What are you doing?”. I invite them into the wonder and beauty of wild crafting. As I speak, as they listen, the Earth shifts under our feet and something wild glimmers in their eye. I know a seed has been planted in their heart that will root in some mysterious way in their life. The plants whisper “thank you”.
Like any living being, plants are nuanced in their gifts and personality. I have come to fall in love with their energetic signatures more than their “medicinal” applications. My prayer is that they find the good, true and beautiful already alive inside of you, rather than the standard healing model of “destroy the thing, fight the body and what does this thing do for me?” They will, of course, also address your ailments because they are love, and love seeks balance.
They also have boundaries. They are beings. This is a relationship. They are not to be overused or relied upon completely for your healing. They will lift you up and bring you harmony, but they are not your fixer. I often hear “plants don’t work”. This breaks my heart. They are not a little blue pill. They need pathways to enter you. If there is doubt inside of you, or layers of programming from unnatural sources, they have a hellofa time getting through your system- but they do. Because they are here to help.
They will ask of you to pick up the slack and meet them half way. They will ask you to do your part here in Earth School. They mean well. They only want the gift you came to give to shine through. Because they thrive when you are living in your gift. If you approach them as partners there will be healing.
I have seen healings in one dose of a thing. That happens more often with Master Plants in a ceremonial dose. But for the most part, walking the plant life path is slow medicine. Slow medicine is true holistic healing as it turns and regenerates the depleted soil. And for anyone who has ever planted a garden, they know that it takes a few seasons of turning the hummus before there is natural balance. It then sustains itself in harmony with everything else, which is the best natural defense.
Plant medicine is a life path that returns one’s system back toward the laws of time that abide by a wheel that turns according to Sun and Moon and Star and Mystery. In this relationship, if you choose to accept, you will also be turning your life towards these allies and your life will begin to change.
All Origninal Medicine formulas are wild crafted with prayer and reverence to the natural world. Each dose is a ceremony in self love. It is a little deposit in the energetic bank account of your belonging to the natural wonders of Life.
Tinctures are meant for drop dose use (1-3 drops 1-3x/day). Under the tongue is preferable to taste the plant’s signatures. If there is a more acute need then the standard dose of 30 drops 3x/day can be administered. This is universal recommendation in the herbalist world and is only a suggestion, not a prescription.
Salves and oils are meant to lavish your body parts with love. Use at will. But remember that the skin is your largest organ and these plants are making their way into your body, so be mindful. A little goes a long way.
Please use responsibly. Please reach out with feedback and questions as I do not list every property of each plant in the formulas. They are vast. A one on one mentoring session is very helpful and recommended.
Beautiful plant blessings to you.
(These statements are not meant to treat or diagnose disease. You are using these products of your own free will. If you have medical complications or need medical advice please seek the proper medical care)
Formulas (all in 1oz)
All formulas are made with organic, gluten free vodka. I add a dash of honey to some formulas- beecause.
A Light in the Heart: Cacao, Nootka Rose, St. John’s Wort and a healthy dose of magic. This formula stimulates the passions and visions of the heart while lifting the spirit. It is a gentle microdose. It is incredibly delicious and will ally you on your healing of the heart, lift depression and bring sparkle back into your life. $30 not including shipping.
Matters of the Heart: Nootka Rose, Hawthorn (flower and thorn), Violet. This formula helps the deep emotions of the heart release while balancing the heartrate and feminine/masculine energies. Violet is amazing for grief relief. I take this formula for deep heartbreak and tender times. I carry it with me always.
Solace: Ghost Pipe, Lavender, Skullcap. This is my go to for sleep and overall wrestlessness of the mind. Helpful for pain that is driven by the nervous system. I have a limited supply.
Ghost pipe in the above formula: There is some controversy around this most incredible species. Please reach out for a conversation if called. This plant has taught me how to seek light from the Under world. It is a “veil plant” meaning it helps one see more clearly beyond the veil. It is a powerful nervine and helps with pain of all kinds (physical and mental) by helping shift perspective rather than address the pain directly. It is for the anxious dreamer. And can really help in visionary medicine sessions when there is too much overwhelm. When I was first sitting with this plant I was struck by how it felt as though a prayer ceremony had taken place around it. Everywhere this plant receives sunlight it burns and looks like ceremony tobacco or sage. I have limited supply and will continue to keep it that way.
Lighten the Load: Chamomile, Cleavers, Lemon Balm (equal parts). Cleavers helps move a sluggish lymphatic system making the body feel lighter while Lemon Balm and Chamomile calm the nervous system for a relaxed and open synergy. I LOVE this formula. It feels like joy and a little like Spring time in the body. 20% OFF SALE
Boundaries and Protection: Yarrow, Pearly Everlasting, Rose. I am in love with Pearly. She has been talking to me for a long long time. One of my teachers states that she is for seeking ancestral protection. She is for enduring transition. Yarrow is good for those things in the dark that don’t allow our inner child to sleep. This formula is good for children who have feverish nightmares, need some angels and sweetness of heart 20% OFF SALE
Fire in the Belly: Fireweed, Artichoke, Burdock. Aids the liver and digestivie juices. Fireweed is for the inner landscape of the body that needs some help regenerating. 20% OFF SALE
In the Flow: Yarrow, Mugwort, Clover. For womb wisdom flow and lightness of spirit. Yarrow is an amphoteric. It will naturally move you towards “the positive”- whichever tip of the scale that is for you. This is potent blend for the stagnant womb energetically and physically. For women of all ages. It is a hormone harmonizer. 20% OFF SALE
Spring tonic: Nettle, cleavers, chickweed. Lightness of body. Fortitude to bloom. Antihistamine. Lymph mover. Blood cleaner. Good at all times of the year- especially in the later days of deep Winter. FALL 20% OFF SALE
Single Notes (1 oz): Arnica, Artichoke, Burdock, Chickweed, Cleavers, Devil’s Club, Elderflower, Fireweek, Ghost Pipe, Hawthorn (Flower and Thorn or Berry), Lemon Balm, Mugwort, Nettle, Plantain, Poplar (1oz only), St. John’s Wort, Red Clover, Rose, Usnea, Violet,
Oils: (2oz)
Womb: Mugwort and Yarrow. Olive oil. Jojoba. Ylang, Rose Geranium, Mugwort essential oil. (Sold out until Juneish) When the womb body is in balance- Life restories to balance. Use anytime during your cycle. Especially for slow menses, low libido, creative funk.
Breast: Dandelion flower, Clover, St. John’s Wort and Violet- infused in olive oil. Jojoba. Turmeric, Grapefruit, Rose Geranium essential oils. (Limited supply) Trace amount of iodine. Breasts are portals of giving and recieving in abundance and balance. The Mother wound is quite attached to the breasts. May this open the channels of pure sustenance and reconnect you to the pleasures of reciprocity.
Belly: Calendula and Comfrey infused olive oil. Jojoba. Rosemary, turmeric, ginger essential oils. Rub liberaly on your belly as you breathe deep. Start at the navel and work clockwise out to the edges. Stimulates digestive flow and eases belly aches. This formula is good anywhere on the body that needs healing and warmth. Also great for eczema, funky feet and bruising. 20% OFF SALE
Purchase Instructions:
Please enter your name, email, the items you want with the quantity and your shipping address. Send to me. Then choose the PayPal checkout button that corrosponds with your products.
I use minimal resources and labeling to keep costs and excess waste low for all. I am invested in biodegradable, Earth friendly packaging.
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1oz Tincture $16
2oz Oil $25
1/2oz Tincture $12
Honorary mentions and gratitudes:
To all who walked before me upon these lands which I harvest gifts and treasures- carrying the reciprocal laws in their hollow bone. Deep bow to the wisdom within. Humble bow to the plant nations for holding a key to opening the wisdom within. A prayer of gratitude for my guides of the Other world that point me home when I listen.
My human teachers:
Rosita Arvigo: I can barely say her name without tears of deep love. She leaves a legacy of profound medicine. She just sold her “empire” and will spend the last years of her life hopefully being able to witness the impact she made upon Pacha Mama.
Leslie Lekos. A deeply connected and committed medicine woman who approaches this path with deep reverence.
Lauren Morgan: She holds a candle for the Grandmothers and walks the Priestess path humble and exalted.
Sean Padraig O’Donahue. Master herbalist. Blackheart Feri Priest. Magician. Mentor.
Deborah Frances Dancing Crow: I sat in circle with this fully initiated elder and was fundamentally changed. She shifted my perception of Tobacco forever.